Monday, April 20, 2009


This year we were pretty busy. We had Easter all weekend. We started out by going to dinner at Red Robin. Brock was too cool to go so he stayed home and was bored. Then we colored eggs (Brock again is too cool and went to a buddies). Here are some video's of the kids at their many Easter egg hunts.
The first one is at Trent's parents on Saturday. Lindy's kids Trinitee and Treyden. Brock was a helper on this one.

This was our little hunt on Easter morning. The kids all got church clothes.

This is the big kids at my mom's. She did a hunt for them in the back yard and the little girls in the front. The cute one of the little girls would not download. So I added a photo of them. Bridgette and SaVanna.

1 comment:

Shantelle said...

Cute - I like the videos.