June 11th 1997 Brock Douglas Beardall was born at 4:30 pm in Provo(UVRMC) 7 pounds 6 ounces 19 inches long. He was the cutest little ball of happiness. After trying for 4years and suffering a miscarriage, we finally got a baby. A funny story about Brock is that we had 3 ultrasounds with the doctor, and in all 3 we were having a girl. On the last test, Trent happened to ask if it was a boy or girl. The doctor said "What have I been telling you?" We were like, "a girl" So the doc said "I better not change my answer now." So we head to the hospital the next afternoon for a c-section, all the nurses are asking what we are having, We just tell them that up to yesterday a girl but now we don't know. Well when they saw Brock's face, he was mad. very mad. All the nurses laughed and said "so cute, could be a boy or girl". Well when they got the rest of him out, the nurse looks at the doctor and says,"You missed that 3 times?" Brock was so private in all the ultrasounds and he is still very private. Brock has been a great addition to our family. He is so great with his sisters. He and Brinley fight so much I about go crazy, but every now and again I catch him being sweet to her.
This weekend, Trent and I took Brock and his friend Bradley to Texas Roadhouse. Then shopping for clothes and a game for his Wii. We had the family over for Jazz cake and mint ice cream. Brock will be ordained to be a Deacon on Sunday the 21st. I am so excited to watch him pass the sacrament.
Happy Birthday B-Dawg. We love you.
That is a nice post, I like that you remember something specific about each baby. CUTE
I remember visiting Brock in the PICU and passing out. I was alot of support for you you, right?
Where does the time go? Cute baby pic, and handsome kid!
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